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I AM Will Rescue You!

Updated: Jan 16, 2021

January 11, 2021

This morning when I woke up I saw Jesus! He was waiting for me, to give me a message:

“Thus says the Lord of Hosts, whose eyes are like a flame of fire: Go and say to the captivity of My people, I AM has heard your cries and will rescue you! Prepare to leave, Beloved. Thou hast not much time left.”

“I have not much time left for what, Lord?”

“To prepare for My Coming. Said I not and will I not make good My promise concerning thee? Pack up thy bags and come with Me to a land I shall show thee.”

“Are you speaking of literally moving somewhere or the Rapture, Lord?”

“I AM has heard your cries and will rescue you, beloved. Go and say to My people who has chosen Me: Dry your eyes, for soon you shall weep no more. You shall rejoice with the timbral and the dance, and My people shall be as a watered garden, and shall not sorrow any more at all. Go in peace, beloved, and spare not to share the words which thou hast heard.”

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